MIMOsa pudicA...

By thesoulsparker on 7:49 AM

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            The name looks weird...yup agreed...it's WEIRD enough. In malay they called 'pokok semalu'...and of course in TAMIL it's called 'thotta chinunggi'. And hell yeah dat's the plant the me n Chua ( REDAC research officer...also masters student) messed up with last week when we went to take the river samples. The weather was already cloudy enough and we both almost done our part in sample taking. While waiting for En.Shubhi to finish his part...we both start to play with the mimosa plant that we found near the place we both sat.
            We test it in different ways. In other terms...we test in Engineering way.

  • Firstly, we test it's response with vibrations. This plant will only 'shuts' its leaves when there is sudden and abrupt movement around it. If u gently touch it's leaf's means ... it won't shut its leaves.
  • Secondly, we tested it's 'shut off' time. We wait till it opens it's leaves back. It took around staggering 4 minutes for it to open fully. We also noticed how it opens...it's not in sudden movement...well it opens a little bit first and followed by a pause.Then it opens and pauses till it opens fully.
well these are the photos...

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