WhAt mAkEs a GoOd tEaMpLaYer/TeAmLeaDeR...?

By thesoulsparker on 9:41 AM

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            Often, i got wonder what really defines us and what usually makes us as a good teamplayer in a particular team. So, as i was designing the steel member for the structure assignment i began to have a look on my past and present form being in a particular team.

            In the past, I often behave in a rigid way and want things to get done on the spot itself. Since first year I had entered a few university proggrammes and almost had met all kind of people with different persona and attitude. Believe it or not, i'm still discovering peoples with weird attitude and persona.So, along the path i've learned to be more  vigilant when it comes to a teamwork and do not tense up in all matter.I've learned to approach people in the way they are.Yet still i can find some who doesn't really care whatever happening in the team. 

            Talking about being a good teamplayer or leader, I came across a guy who taught me a bit about managing a team.Now let me explain about him first.He is the owner of a designing company whom i met in our toastmasters club meeting.One day we went for a treasure hunt organised by the club and luckily both of us was in the same team.Thus, the whole team appointed me as a leader for that activity and yikes!!! i began to manage all my teammates.At the end of the treasure hunt, he ( the guy i mentioned earlier ) asked me  something while eating together...:-

            the guy : so Guna ...how do you feel from today's activities?
                  me : umm...yeah it was fantastic and i enjoyed it a lot.
            the guy : hmm is it...that's all? i hope you to gain more than that.You see ha...
                         did you ever realised how was our team fucntioned in terms of
                         team members and their cooperation in finishing up the activity together?

            That's the moment i became to realise how people especially great leaders evaluate others.I was completely astonished with his question.

                 me : ermmm....what i've learned...let me think first...
           the guy: haiyya no need to think all dis...you see based on our activity today you
                        should have realised that it's too hard to get all the members to be focussed.
                        That's the kind of observation that i expect you should have done and
                        should also think how to make them focussed.

             His words were like a wake up call for me and it prompt me to observe anything calmly and think the solutions for it in case there is a problem.Another instance that i began to realise on how to become a good teamplayer or leader is through my experience itself.I've realised that "PATIENCE" is the most important thing in being a good leader,teamplayer,listener or whatever it is.Sometimes i will cross some jerks,or most of the times i'll will face any unexpected problems.All these things will make us to burst and break the silence simply by shouting at all.But when the instance we are calm and patient enough,we will have some solutions to the problems without causing any emotional damage to others.

             I came across a principle called 90/10 principle stated by someone in an e-mail message.It was a really superb principle where it tells that we have only got the ability to control 10% of what we are doing.The rest 90% is just happens by itself.And that 90% is actually is a counter reactive action from what we had done on the 10% previously.Simply saying...it says think before indulge in everything.For this case,think before making a decision in a team as a leader or team member.

            Now all these things had made me to be a better person in terms of leadership and being in a team as a member who can really cooperate well.Yet, i'm still discovering new things on my quest of learning to be a good teamplayer and leader.

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