First toastmasters meeting for year 2010...

By thesoulsparker on 11:33 AM

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       At last I'm glad to join back my toastmasters club after two months break.My fellow toastmasters already named me and another two of my friends as " long lost members " . It sounds really funny somebody calling us like that 'hehe'.Today was a bit different because i went alone without my friends and to my horror i had to be the grammarian and the evaluater for my fellow toastmasters.First it sounds really scary!!! but i took the challenge in cool way and yup i made it though.Apart playing these two roles i had to present the word and the thought of the day and finally was asked to present the table topic speech.Now the funny part was the table topics.At first i really don't really want to do it.But suddenly someone yelled !!!( it was the treasurer ).She yelled " why don't we call our 'long lost member' to do his speech today".I was (in my heart) "gone la me today, i'm gonna stuck somewhere either before starting the speech or after i start it ".Slowly i walked to infront and suddenly the event organiser told the topic was hand phone.
       Yikes! i was really shocked and ideas began to pour into ma mind uncontrollably.Quickly i'm managed to tell about my new phone and i was telling every single thing about it until my time finishes.At last our chartered president applauded me for my speech at the end.It was sort like a big relieve because everything happened in a split second.And another thing was i've finally found a shortcut route from my place to the club meeting place with the help of the club president.It was really cool and i can now even go quite often to the club meetings with this new shortcut.

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